The Probus Organisation

The word Probus is an abbreviation of the words PROfessional and BUSiness. However membership is not restricted to these two groups and also embraces former executives of Government and other organisations, in fact anyone who has held a position of responsibility during their professional life.

Probus clubs provide an opportunity for retired professionals to attend regular meetings with like-minded people who appreciate similar interests. Probus is an organisation for active retirees who enjoy the camaraderie that belonging to this organisation brings.

Probus provides a support network for professionals when they retire. These clubs were initially started for men but over the years there has been a steady growth in Ladies and Mixed clubs. Many clubs have extensive networking and social programmes, including meetings with other Probus clubs, group trips, and involvement in community projects etc. Probus was started in 1966 by members of Rotary who had identified a need for a club for retired or semi-retired people which was purely a fellowship organisation.

The principle of such clubs was promoted by Rotary throughout the UK and overseas. Probus worldwide boasts nearly half a million members in 5,000 clubs in 22 countries. The UK Clubs are each run by their own members with individual constitutions. There is no central organisation such as exists with Rotary or Lions etc. Most UK Clubs have between 40 and 100 members.